Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rain, Rain

Destroyed! This paired nicely with some Nacho Totchos. I love you Nook!

Hey my friends!
I will be posting pretty sporadically for the next week or so since life at work is miserable. I was so grateful for the tiny break I got yesterday. 
The hubs and I spent our Memorial Day with some friends walking in the park (in the pouring rain. Notice my lovely umbrella?), demolishing a yummy fishbowl, and then playing games for the rest of the evening. I kept my outfit pretty simple. Just a bright dress, flats, and big hair. I'm really trying to master the "effortless" look. See how I have effortless in quotations? Yeah. It's harder than it should be. I hope you also enjoyed your holiday! 

Dress: Target
Flat Sandals: TJ Maxx
Umbrella: London Fog via Amazon

Thanks for reading!


  1. isn't it funny how hard it is to dress effortlessly? when I'm rushing to get ready for work in the morning (always) I have to remind myself to just make it simpler and love it!

    this dress is such a pretty shade and the shoes are FAB! also that fishbowl drink is sounding pretty good right about now...

    sorry to hear about your work right now! hope it turns around real soon.

    ♥ perfectly Priya

    1. Thanks! If I can just get through this week.... I often find the more simple the outfit, the more I love it. I just forget that when I in my closet wondering what to wear!
