Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Rocksbox is here!! *Not a sponsored post*

Hey my friends!
I hope you all are having a lovely week. I'm having a busy and cold week, but there are some bright spots here and there to liven things up. One of those bright spots was the arrival of my first ever Rocksbox! 

 As a lover of Netflix, presents, and sparkle y things all around, I was ecstatic when I found out about this subscription box. (I may or may not have teared up a little) With a membership, you get access to an unlimited closet of designer jewelry! You can see why my reaction is completely appropriate. These are things I could not afford normally! They send you three pieces at a time, you wear those pieces for as long as you want, then send them back when you're ready to get three more pieces! One of the best parts about this is that can buy any pieces you love at a discount. I think I might be tearing up again...
Here's what I got in my first box:

So cute!

It's like Christmas!

I love presents!!

So far I am loving everything they sent. I'm wearing the necklace and bangle to a play tonight. And probably the studs out to a Walking Dead viewing party this Sunday. (Well rounded girl right here y'all)

Perry Street Abby Necklace in blue
Gorjana Laurel Bangle
Urban Gem Sunrise Studs

Thanks for reading!

P.S. I honestly did not get any compensation or gifts from Rocksbox for this post. I get excited about things and I have to share, just asks my hubs. He's been hearing about this all week.

1 comment:

  1. I recently got into subscription boxes with ipsy and Birchbox, I agree, they are such a fun part of the month! This is a great idea, jewelry is something you can wear everyday! You got some really awesome pieces, love the statement necklace especially.

    ♥ perfectly Priya
