Thursday, January 14, 2016

2016 Goals

Fav Outfit post of 2015

Hey my friends!
Hope your holidays were fantastic!
I know... super cliché to post about goals in January. I figure if I post them here y'all will keep me accountable. Don't let me down.

1. Post at least once a week: 
I've been pretty honest about how blogging is more of an enhancement to my life than what I consider my job. Mostly because I already have a job but also because I never want to resent this thing that brings me joy. That being said, I also want to challenge myself to keep up with it because I have a bad habit of not following through with things. Seriously. I have yet to create our wedding album and we've been married for 6.5 years...

2. Read Game of Thrones once and for all:
I can't tell you how many times I've picked up and read halfway through this book. It's shameful and I deserve to have my nerd card taken away. I am proud of all the spoilers I've successfully dodged, however.

3. Work out at least 3x times a week: 
I already have a standing appointment to workout with a friend on Tuesdays and Thursdays so all I have to do is pick one more day. It sounds easy but when those alarms (yes I have multiple) go off, nothing feels more cozy and warm than my darling bed.

4. Learn to take better pictures: 
Not just for blogging (since I have a fancy new camera) but also to capture stunning photos of my cat Euclid. He deserves the best.

5. Journal: 
This one will be pretty hard for me. As much as I love writing, journaling has always been difficult because of the channels it opens. When I journal, it's more than just putting down my thoughts on a page or jotting down what happened that day. It's time for me to be honest with myself. I have to face whatever emotions are buried deep under the surface. The silence of sitting and waiting to see what comes can be awfully scary. I mostly ran from that last year, so this year I want to have the courage to face it head on. 

What are some of the things you look forward to trying this year? I would love to hear all about it!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! Looks like a great set of goals for the year. It may be cliche to share them, but I find it so helpful to have them actually posted somewhere, to keep yourself accountable. I think your blogging goals is totally doable! Maybe it would help if you worked on a post throughout the week, and always posted on the same day (Friday? end of the week? Whatever works for you!) I'm an avid journaler, and I know what you mean, sometimes I get overwhelmed by how much I have to say, but it is a fantastic outlet!! Wishing you the best for 2016.

    ♥ perfectly Priya
